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). In Abl kinase domain, the amino acid residues at the corresponding positions are Gln and Val, respectively, providing no scope for 4 to covalently modify them, unlike a cysteine (36). Although the aromatic mustard motif is such that the alkylation ability would be low or absent, confirmation was required to exclude covalent modification as a possible mode of inhibition.

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) were chosen to promote noncovalent interactions with the ligand-binding pocket of the inactive form of the aforementioned kinases. Here in, we show that suitable functionalization of the methylenic position enhances the cellular stability and remodels the affinity toward DFG-in inactive conformation of Hck, instead of DYRK2.

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HSL oversees the operation of all public transportation in the Helsinki region. However, apart from select bus routes with electric units, the agency does not operate any rolling stock. Therefore, it relies mainly on independent contractors for the operation of the network.

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Стэн Ли, Джеймс Шеймус, Джон Турман, Майкл Франс, Джек Кирби

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